Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stupid fucking anorexic imbeciles

originally posted: 5/13/2006

OK this is officially a rant and it will probably be an unpopular one. Frankly I don't care.

Below you will see a bulletin from someone on my friend list and it repulsed me so much I had to make a entry about it. I can't bring myself to feel sorry for these self-involved drama queens. They KNOW they will die so what gives? What posseses a person to starve themself. You don't see this shit going on at this proportion in other countries, right? Maybe, but I am not going to the research. Instead of having special rehab centers for these girls (and guys) who most likely go at the behest of their parents and usually revert to their old ways, I think they should be sent to a place that has actual famine like Malawi. But no they make it through rehab and log on the internet where they can pal up with the other misfits on the internet who call themselves "Pro-Ana's". They have Pro-Ana sites on Oh I wish Microsoft comes out with a virtual smack program.

Here is what has me up in arms:

From: Zaraphel
Date: May 12, 2006 10:41 PM

Totally disturbing and utterly disgusting!
you'll be dead before your thin enough.


Stop calling each other fat.

People take that seriously.

And this is what can happen!!


You call a girl fat.

You tell her to loose some weight.

But is this attractive to you?

I didnt think so.



Mike Darnell said...

I am the son of a "stupid fucking anorexic imbecile".

My mother is 62.
She has been anorexic for 44 years.

My mother suffers daily, as do we, her children and family.

My mother has often said that she would gladly "trade" her anorexia for Aids or terminal Cancer.

I too once couldn't understand how she could be so obstinate, obnoxious and, well yes - stupid.

So many times we all told her:
"What's the big deal Mom?
Pick up the food,
put it in your mouth,
Your done.
Where's the fucking problem?"

The problem is that Anorexia is a mental illness.
You may as well command schizophrenics to stop hearing voices, or yell at paraplegics for not leaving their wheelchair.


I don't think you are a bad person.
You stated honestly enough that "this is a rant". But perhaps now, 2 years later and with some afterthought, you can show some compassion?


This is a print I created based on my perspective on Anorexia: Venus.

iamnotacynic said...

i agree with mike,
although it may be hard for us to see and the originations of the illness may be due to vanity or personal ignorance people suffering should not be victimised

A4 said...

You guys are assholes. if it wasnt already obvious, media posseses girls to starve themselves. Girls only feel accepted if they look like the skinny little figures in the magazines and on t.v. If guys werent so picky about a girls weight and thought the average size 10 or 12 was fat then "Stupid fucking anorexic imbeciles" wouldnt have this problem. I think the guys need help before the girls with eating disorders.

Mike Darnell said...

Normally I wouldn't bother responding to anyone who begins their commentary with the sentence "You guys are Assholes" but in this case it's just too important to ignore.

My mother's anorexia began in Israel in 1966. A time and place entirely divorced from today's media trends.

Her's is a classic case of Anorexia developing as a response to a situation where an individual feels that she (or he) has no control over their life. The individual chooses not to eat because she feels that although she may not have control over anything else in her life at least she can dictate what, and how much, she eats.

Their is research suggesting that this type of Anorexia has existed as far back as the dark ages...


ShesLovely said...

We really do take it seriously.

your words impress me.

thank you for this post.

Mike Darnell said...

Hi ShesLovely,

I visited your blog.
You are indeed lovely, not only that you are smart, interesting and engaging. Three qualities that will serve you far better in life, and for many more years.

All the best,

princess_vader said...

You ignorant imbecile. Anorexia is a mental disorder. Go get an education.

Wander said...

Coming from a sufferer o anorexia nervosa it's so sad that ignorance can't be cured by a comment. Shame shame. What person wants to starve themself and make everyone hate them? No one! Try being rape or molested for years! Then try loving your body. Most of us sufferers are sensitive people and are therefore more liable to develop issues later on. You should do some research before you air your ignorance to the world.This is why we say people who do not suffer will NEVER understand. I would not wish this illness upon anyone. I would gladly trade my ED for something doctors could fix. No we are not spoiled brats. No we are not wanting to be super models or actresses. I think you are very confused. There are teeny boppers and actressess who go on crash diets and its automatically called an eating disorder. I'm sorry that you do not understand this but please don't insult us, our intelligence or anything else because you are too lazy to do your research or too much of a bitch to show compassion to fellow humans.


Wander said...

Coming from a sufferer o anorexia nervosa it's so sad that ignorance can't be cured by a comment. Shame shame. What person wants to starve themself and make everyone hate them? No one! Try being rape or molested for years! Then try loving your body. Most of us sufferers are sensitive people and are therefore more liable to develop issues later on. You should do some research before you air your ignorance to the world.This is why we say people who do not suffer will NEVER understand. I would not wish this illness upon anyone. I would gladly trade my ED for something doctors could fix. No we are not spoiled brats. No we are not wanting to be super models or actresses. I think you are very confused. There are teeny boppers and actressess who go on crash diets and its automatically called an eating disorder. I'm sorry that you do not understand this but please don't insult us, our intelligence or anything else because you are too lazy to do your research or too much of a bitch to show compassion to fellow humans.


Mike Darnell said...

Hi Lizzy,

I'm sorry for your pain.
You may have read my earlier comments.

All I can say is that despite the hardships she has faced and faces to this day my mother is a wonderful person and we are a small, but supportive family.

Last week my younger sister (29 y.o) gave birth to a bouncing baby girl and my mother, despite over 40 years of anorexia, became a grandmother.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is hope & You have every right and chance to it as well. I hope my mother's story helps you believe.


Unknown said...

Not all people that are anorexic want to lose weight.

I am skinny, I know that, but I'm starving myself because I don't deserve to eat. It will just never make sense to people that haven't gone through it, but real anorexics don't just say, "hey, lets just stop eating so we can weigh 70 pounds!" That's not how it works.

Then, there are those pro-ana's. That is a different story...

Unknown said...

"sensitive people"
Grow a pair. Peopl have been through worse than you can imagine, and aren't killing themselves by not eating. I've been through lots, and still am, and yet, I eat normal portions. Anorexia may be a mental disorder, but a very shallow one. It's simple to crack and usually has very obvious causes, and as I so far witnessed, the feeble minded sheep are more likely to develop it. So again, grow a pair.

Unknown said...

i was in their shoes once, and i do agree that nobody told them to starve themselves. but people have made them want to do that, and isn't that the equivalent of telling them to starve?i starved myself for about a week, and was so close to being anorexic to the point where i heard voices telling me to not eat.but then i realised that in life, starving myself could not help me in any way. so while it's not too late, people should stop thinking that starving yourself will make you into a slim person. the only thing it will do is make you anorexic which is impossible to break out of. i, on the other hand was really lucky to have broken out of it, and don't want to go through that ever again. i admit that i was selfish enough to starve myself and didn't think how my families lives could be affected from me being ignorant.

Unknown said...

A mental illness that can be cured by eating and going to the gym,not sitting at home crying,lose weight the right way,not the easy way

Unknown said...

You're a fucking disgusting, worthless piece of shit. People try to educate you, to give you insight on their suffering, and you tell them to grow a pair, mocking how sensitive they are. You're the one to fucking start this, to post an uneducated and childish rant over a subject you clearly know nothing about. You're the one that needs to grow up getting OFFENDED and ANGRY over SOMEONE ELSES LIFE THREATENING DISORDER. But no, you're right. Some people need to stop complaining :c poor them :cc meanwhile you'll stuff your face feeling no fear and living like so many people wish they could but can't.

P.S. kill yourself!!! Xoxo

Unknown said...

You're a fucking disgusting, worthless piece of shit. People try to educate you, to give you insight on their suffering, and you tell them to grow a pair, mocking how sensitive they are. You're the one to fucking start this, to post an uneducated and childish rant over a subject you clearly know nothing about. You're the one that needs to grow up getting OFFENDED and ANGRY over SOMEONE ELSES LIFE THREATENING DISORDER. But no, you're right. Some people need to stop complaining :c poor them :cc meanwhile you'll stuff your face feeling no fear and living like so many people wish they could but can't.

P.S. kill yourself!!! Xoxo